Vikings Tv Series Season 1 How To Take A
The first 3 seasons are the peak of the show, all of the described above makes the show great, of course there are always creative liberties as well as some mythology mixed with the realism but that makes you even more drawn into this world, then it seems as in all TV shows they became greedy and decided to stretch things.Not only the last 3 seasons are double the episodes (which based on the story line is completely unnecessary) but they struggle (a lot) in finding the proper course for the series. Half way to season 4 (major spoiler ahead) where we lose Ragnar,the writers are faced with the challenge, since they also decided to tell the stories of Ragnar sons, of discovering how to take a great formula and make it good without its heart, and for me none of the chosen actors were even close to what we got from Travis, it even seemed that at some point Bjorn was emulating is mannerisms without a remote success.The result although not awful is miles away from the first three seasons, we are introduced to his sons whom without exception are all unlikable (some more than others of course) and although you create some connection to them as the show moves, there is a countless number of random characters placed in the later seasons that disappear as fast as they appear and for which you feel no connection, they are suppose to be support or side sub-plots, all of them heartless and boring. Then when we get close to the final conclusion, and don't get me wrong there are some good moments here and there despite of the ridiculous sub-plots, we are presented with a blend finale, some major characters (despite being unlikable) met strange ends, like Ivar or Harald, and for me personally one of the worst and irrelevant characters still makes it to end somehow, with a terrible outcome, I am talking about the awful Hvitserk who should've been sent away since the moment he appeared, completely irrelevant and out of personalityThe real ending is Ubbe's, him and Floki living on a new world (modern day Canada) and we get a glimpse of what eventually is the ending of the Viking era as they live among other new cultures, with this, he accomplished what Ragnar always wanted, not to rule but to explore and get to know new cultures and worlds, and for this reason, I am giving the high rate, all the first three and half seasons were spectacular and it would easily be a 10, unfortunately the last ones ruin the final score. Vikings is an historical drama about one of the most famous.civilizations that has left its impact across the globe and has inspired many media outlets to create myths and stories around their existence, and now we are blessed with (a close) depiction of how it was to live among them all those years ago.Episodes (9) 1. 44min.The series concluded on December 30, 2020, when the second half of the sixth season was released in its entirety on Amazon Prime Video in Ireland, ahead of its broadcast on History in Canada from January 1 to March 3, 2021.

Knightfall returns for a second season in the spring. Its next scripted drama, Project Blue Book from Robert Zemeckis and A+E Studios, premieres January 8.